Flock First Round Playoff Game Set

April 22, 1998-For Immediate Release

Flock GM Comment:
General Manager Jon Passman announced today that the Flock (1-9-0) would face the Dead Chiefs on Sunday evening at 6 PM at the Robert Crown Center. "We are excited about our fresh start in the playoffs. We've been playing our best broomball over the past few weeks, and I feel that we have as good a shot as any to bring home the Crown Cup to the good folks who have supported us through good times and bad. We know that the Chiefs are a tough opponent, but we've beaten them before, and I'm confident that our squad will be at the top of their game this week."

TSN (Canada), RDS (Canada - French)

Flock Radio Network (Affiliates in Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Duluth, Cincinnati, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Las Vegas, and Biloxi, MS)

Series History
The Chiefs hold a 3-1 advantage over the Flock in their two year history.

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